There are days when I’m hungry. There are days when I’m lazy. There are days when I’m hungry AND lazy.
Today is one of those days.
Love the fantastic three day weekend, but my lazy butt hasn’t gotten to the grocery store yet.
And we ALL know you should NOT go grocery shopping hungry. I’ve tested this theory before and lost.
Therefore, I was super pleased to find a bunch of celery in my fridge leftover from last week’s CSA box. Celery is so easy to clean and prep that it’s a no brainer.
Add in some almond butter, and you got yourself an easy, lazy snack. No utensils required, barely dirties up a plate, nothing that will really spill on the carpet or couch, and can be prepared in under 3 minutes.
I normally get the ground almond butter from the local market. It’s literally straight up almonds ground up. Make sure your almond butter doesn’t have sugars, salts, or added oils in it. I looked at ten different types of almond butter and this is one of the few, well priced almond butters that does not contain vegetable oils or sugar in it!!

Look how gorgeous this celery is – the color, the white and green, you can just FEEL it crisp in your mouth.
I prefer almond butter because it’s naturally sweeter than peanut butter and lower carbs. Peanuts are not technically nuts, but are legumes. Therefore, in my eyes, peanuts are poseurs!!
Lindsay says
Yum. I got celery in my CSA box this week too and might need to copy you.
Sparky says
Did you get the mushrooms this week, too?